MENTA produces plant nutrients with the same sensitivity as plant protection products. The sensitivity involves controlling, recording and assuring every step of production starting from reception of raw material. Therefore, you will always find professional products from MENTA that will give you the best results.
In modern agricultural practice, plant nutrition is equally important as plant protection. That’s the reason why we say “Start to protect your plants by nurturing them!”
Plants with nutrient needs regularly satisfied from the beginning of their lifecycle are much more resistant to diseases and pests at their later ages. Strengthened resistance naturally comes with enhanced productivity and quality. What’s more, this can be done with a more controlled consumption of pesticides.
On the other hand, satisfying nutrient needs of plants is only possible with professional products applied at the right time and at the right quantity. Therefore, we work on plants at MENTA. We understand them and their needs. We develop products to meet all their nutrient needs regularly from seeding to harvest time.
We are inspired by chelating and complexing technology to transmit our products to plants at lower doses and with higher efficiency.
We develop easy-to-use and cost-efficient products in solution and suspension forms.
We develop chlorine-free products with the “Chlorine-free soil for productive harvest” principle in our mind.
Because we know that future of the soil is the common future of all of us.