
Product Certificate and Label Menstop
Name of Product : MENSTOP
Active Substance : 330 gr./ L Pendimethalin
Formulation Type : Emulsion Concentrate (EC)
Feature : It is a selective herbicide that is
taken through roots and leaves.
It is used for fighting against
annual, narrow and large leafed
weeds. The action mechanism of
the medicine begins to take
effect before weeds come out of
soil yet. Weeds disappear in a
short time after they bud or come
out of soil.
Toxicity : In rats acute oral LD 50:1340 mg/kg
Environmental Effect : Toxic to fishes.
Antidote : There is no specific antidote.

Type of Market Release: 1 L, 5 L


Add required amount of MenStar into the device’s tank, which is filled with water while its mixer is running.  Running the mixer is necessary for homogeneous distribution of the medicine and for its application. Do not keep the medicine-mix that is prepared for application more than 24 hours as it may decay.


Mixing it with other medicines is not advised.


The field should be well prepared and the surfaces should be clod-free. Spraying should be performed evenly with amount of dose suggested per decare. The spraying device should be calibrated before spraying. First, one tank of water should be sprayed and see how much of an area it sprays, then the dose of medicine that is needed for that area should be prepared. 20-50 liter water per decare and tee jet should be used.

Cotton and Sunflower: The best result is achieved by mixing the medicine into the soil. The spraying can be performed until 7 days before October. The field should be clod-free and well-prepared. After spraying, mixing the soil is done with disc ploughs with 5-8 cm depth, dredges or stalk choppers. In case it rains 4 days after spraying then soil mixing operation is not obligatory. For cotton, it should be applied as one application within 5 days following October, before they bud.

Potato, Corn, Onion and Tomato cultivated from seedling: For these plants, the application of the medicine is performed on the surface of the soil, after seeds are planted and before they bud.  Seed planting depth should be 4-5 cm. For potato, it should be applied before potato and weeds bud. When the medicine is used for corn, soil mixing is not performed whatsoever and it is not used for sugar corn. Before it is used for corns that are planted for seed production, consult our company. For onion, it can be used both when the onion buds and also after it is in 2-leafed stage when weeds are in very early stage (1-2 leafed). If weeds pass 1-2 leafed stage, the effect of the medicine decreases and necessary benefit is not achieved. The tomato seedlings should be planted within 2-6 days following the spraying. During planting, the roots of the seedlings should not be touched to sprayed soil layer. In dry conditions, 5-10 mm irrigation should be done in 3-7 days after the spraying.

Cropping system plants: Plants other than those stated below cannot be subject to cropping system up to 6 months after spraying with MenStop: Cotton, bean, green pea, corn, soybean, peanut, sunflower and confused plants. If the field is undone for some reason, the soil should be cultivated at least 15 cm. depth, then potato, bean, summer cereals, corn, cotton, soybean and pea can be planted. Corn, pea and bean can be planted provided that they are in 5 cm depth before soil cultivation.


The plant protection product named MENSTOP is a herbicide, classified as Group K-1 in terms of its active substance. Repeated application of same group plant protection products that has the same effect mechanism encourages resistance development. For this reason, in order to delay resistance development, do not exceed total suggested number of usage of MENSTOP within the same season. In case repetition of the application is needed, make sure you use those plant protection products with different effect mechanism (other than K-1).

                                               PLANTS AND WEEDS FOR WHICH IT IS USED
Sunflower - Cotton It is mixed into soil before planting 500 cc / da ------
Potato - Corn It is applied onto the surface after
planting, before budding.
Onion Before budding or during
2-leafed stage
Tomato Seedlings should be planted within
2-6 days after spraying
Meadow foxtail (Alopecurus myosuroides) Barnyard grass (Echinochloa crus-galli)
Hairy crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis) Millet (Setaria spp.)
Bluegrass  (Poa pratensis) ------
Wind grass (Apera spica-venti) ------
Cockscomb (Amaranthus spp.) Mouse ear (Anagallis arvensis)
Orache (Atriplex spp.) Shepherd’s pouch (Capsella bursa-pastoris)
Goosefoot (Chenopodium album) Heliotrope (Chrozophora tinctoria )
Gum plant (Euphorbia heterophylla) Sweet woodruff (Setyaria verticilliata)
European heliotrope (Heliotropium europaeum) Dead nettle (Lamium purpureum)
Shepherd’s crook (Polygonum spp.) Purslain (Portulaca oleracea)
Black nightshare (Solanum nigrum) Chickweed (Stellaria media)
Hedge mustard (Sisymbrium officinale) Field penny cress (Thlaspi arvense)
Stinging nettle (Urtica urens) Daisy (Matricaria spp.)
Corn poppy (Papaver rhoaes) ------